

Candidate Membership

A Sloped Candidate membership is for those working to pass the free online quiz to qualify for the Sloped Certification Exam. If you didn’t pass the free quiz sign up for this membership and receive discounts on all the extra services mentioned on this page.

When you pass the quiz, your membership can transfer to our Inpedentent Professional Membership


1 Hour 1-on-1 Tutoring Session

Sometimes the forums just don’t cut it. Sometimes you need a little one-on-one time with a SketchUp pro to get all your questions answered at once, in real time. If you’re a Candidate member, you get a 30% discount on your first two scheduled sessions, helping accelerate your SketchUp and LayOut skills.



with Member Discount

Or schedule a session now without a membership at full price - $100.00

30 Min Consultation

Need some quick advice? Some demonstrations on what SketchUp and LayOut can do for your workflow? Not sure how to overhaul your operations to SU & LO? A 30 minute call might be the right thing for you. When you become a member, your first two calls with a Sloped Founder will receive a 30% discount.



with Member Discount

Or schedule a consult now without a membership at full price - $50.00

Quiz Video Answers

If you’re going to try taking the quiz again, then give yourself a helping hand by understanding the correct answers. These short videos explain every answer in the quiz! As a member, you will get to enjoy a 30% discount… OR… Buy the answers now with no membership at full price - $39.99.



Member Discount

Or purchase the answers now without a membership at full price - $39.99