Priced to help you
grow and thrive.
We believe in a fair marketplace and a fair market price.
(who have passed the quiz)
In order to qualify for certification, you must first pass our online quiz. The next step is to obtain certification by taking our practical 3-hour exam, where you are given instructions to create a model in SU and then create construction documents for it in LayOut.
Once certified, you can then choose whether you would like to become a member and start obtaining contracts from our business members. We have split these costs because not everyone who seeks our certification is a freelancer, but rather someone looking for the designation for resume purposes.
Lifetime Membership Fee - $449 USD
Lifetime Membership Fee - $249 USD early bird or ($274 USD out of your first Sloped Invoice)
All of those applying for business memberships must be ready to prove that they run a registered business in the design industry. We only seek those who are prepared to pay fair market prices and have a good understanding of how many hours go into a project, and the general process of the design/build industry.
Exam of Choice - $159 USD
All freelance sites are not created equal.
Sloped is not attempting to compete with Fivrr, Upwork, or Freelancer, all of which are competition based platforms where multiple freelancers bid on projects. Those systems inevitably lead to races to the lowest rates possible which in turn drives everyone's overall income potential down. Sloped has been built by one freelancer and two business owners and we are committed to giving both parties a fair marketplace to find partners. In most cases, freelance platforms charge a monthly fee, client connection fees, and then take 10-30% of every project. This is why Sloped offers you a life-time membership fee. Pay once and you are part of the marketplace. Simple. This initial fee pays for the Sloped onboarding interviews and the web-based interfaces needed to work within the platform.
Sloped is also interested in honoring the reality that Businesses and Independent Professionals are just that… professional. They have their own communication systems in place, understand how budgets, proposals, and billing work, and also are committed to working with other professionals that will provide similar services. For that reason, Sloped only focuses on testing and certifications, the white glove matching process for all projects and oversee billing throughout each project until completion. These processes require both human & digital resources. As such, we have fees for all Sketchup & Layout tests as well as field knowledge skill tests. On a project-to-project basis, Sloped charges for their services based on a percentage fee model of 15%.